Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Corn Angels

Happy Weekend. I've been having a good time here in WI. The fair was fun. It wasn't too hot, not too crowded, just a little pricey, but that's where they getcha! I rode a few kiddie rides, played in some corn, did the ferris wheel with Papa, had a sno cone, played a game and saw some animals. Zach and I really enjoyed the animals. I was able to pet a calf and a sheep. Zach learned really quickly how to shake the duck's cage and make them quack. Somebody call PETA! Zach was still too little for rides, but he had fun watching me. I visited the kiddie pool a couple of times. I even went in the big pool with Mom, I'm doing really well with my arm floaties. Yesterday we went to see The Smiths and played at their house, Grandpa and Betty came too. Today, we're hoping to go see cousin Tara at Lake Summerset and go swimming there. Tomorrow is the dreaded shot day. I haven't thought much about it, but it is probably NOT going to be a good time! We'll head back home tomorrow. We're missing Dad and I'll have gymnastics to get back to.

Dino Camp - a.k.a. Vacay Bible School went well. I had fun earning dino bucks all week and buying a bunch of plastic junky toys at the end. I did lots of crafts and learned some fun new songs. The lesson part of the school did get pretty intense. I had a lot of questions for Mom, about sinning and being saved and how the dinosaurs walked with people, so we're working through those one at a time. It's confusing to me when the books say two different things, but like Mom says, they're just "theories", no one knows for certain either way. Like Nana says, I'll probably forget about it in a week and move on to something else. I did have a ton of fun and already want to go back next year!

I'll let you know how the shots go, cross your fingers for me. I promise to try and be brave!


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