Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Monday, July 07, 2008

River Rats

Well, not literally at least. We did see a slew of spiders and a lot of interesting things floating along the river, but no rats. The river was really high, so high we couldn't dock the boat and had to do a flying leap into it as we launched it off the ramp. The boat acted up at first and started smoking ab bit (scary!), but Daddy fixed it an we were off. The river cops wouldn't let us go too fast, but we did stop down stream a bit at a park and played for awhile. Zach had fun boating, but the waves made him sleepy, so he napped under the console for awhile. I had lots of fun when my cousins came out on Sunday and even got to go for a jet ski ride with Gramps. Before the river weekend, we saw some local fireworks. The first batch was the best -- we were so close we had to move back because flaming pieces of ash were falling and hitting us. I took a few home as souveniers -- Mom loved that.

Zach will have his first haircut this afternoon. Mom is reluctant to do it, but people are giving him a hard time, and you have to admit he looks a bit like Donald Trump with his hair blowing in the wind, so it is time for a trim.

I've got a fun week of soccer, gymnastics and a trip to the farm park coming up. Hope you had a great Holiday weekend! Now get back to work!


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