Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

He was a Good Pig...

We're not sure what happened, but yesterday we woke up to find that Nemo the guinea pig was no longer alive. Pretty shockingly sad. He was acting fairly normal the day before. I cried a lot at first, but then I had a lot of questions -- tricky questions that Mom is still sorting out the answers to. Later that night, Dad went way out into the alfalfa field behind out house and buried Nemo. He loved alfalfa and will spent a nice eternity there, surrounded by hay. We're going to take his old supplies to the humane society today since they often get abandoned guinea pigs there. No more pets for awhile. Mom is quite bewildered and feeling very guilty that he died after only a year. Pet store animals are not known for their health or well-breeding. If there ever is a next time, we'll adopt one for sure.

In happier news, life gave me some lemons last weekend, so I sold lemonade. Ok, ok, it was that powdered stuff, but we threw some lemons in it for marketing purposes. The neighbor kids and I raked in the dough and now I have $15 burning a hole in my pocket. I have no plans for it yet, just to miser it away like my mother. I made sure we spent Mom's garage sale earnings well. We went to the carnival last weekend. I rode rides, ate junk food and played some silly games. Zach was a little anxious (just like last year), so he was content to sit in his stroller and watch from a safe distance. He cheered me on from the edge of the roller coaster.

Mom's been running some learning drills on me this week. Lots of writing practice and reading practice, but that's ok -- I like having some quiet time with her when Zach naps. We're off to the Bridal store today to pick out my headpiece and tomorrow I will go & get my hair done. Hooray for being a girl!

Have a lovely, muggy day


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