Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Helmet Head

No matter what we do, Zach will NOT keep a hat on when he is outside. But, he is obsessed with wearing his bike helmet around, so that kind of helps for now. He gets a little sweaty and looks a little goofy, but it works. I think he enjoys it since he sees me wearing mine all of the time. He is also no longer afraid of the "Gator". The other day he climbed up and said, "go, go"! So Mom strapped him in and off we went! I was careful to drive really slowly and not get too wild. We're becoming quite the pair of playmates. It is fun now that he can really play with me when I want him to. He just doesn't understand when I do NOT want him to, but we're working on that!

Nana came for a couple of days recently. We had fun just playing and hanging out. I missed her a lot when she left, but I am excited to go up to WI for the fair in a couple of weeks. Mom gave me my new Leap Pad the other day, so that was a fun distraction. It comes with 12 phonics books that I am working my way through. Each time I complete a book, I get a sticker and when I complete a set of 4, I get a ribbon. Mom explained I have to complete all the books in the set before I get to buy any of the "fun" books, like Dinosaurs and Princesses. So far, I'm doing really well and learning to read some new words. It was supposed to be my birthday gift, but Mom thought I should practice it a bit before school starts. And some days, it is just too darn hot to go outside, so it is a fun activity.

I hope we get to go boating for the 4th of July. The river is open, but we're not sure how high the water still is at the cabin. If we can't go there, we may talk Grandpa into bringing the boat here. I know there will be fireworks in my future for sure.

Have a spectacular Holiday if I don't see you before then!



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