Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Happy Birthday, Zach!

Zach had a fun-filled first birthday. He went to playgroup this morning and played his little heart out. He was up from 6:45 am until noon! After a nice snooze, he had fun playing with Nana and Aunt Cindy. He really tore into his cake. He even had his own little "smash" cake to dig into. He was starting to get tired, but after that cake, he was ready for presents and some more playing. I helped him blow out his candle and open his presents. It was a really good first birthday. We were all so proud of him. And we were all pooped out by the time it was over! A good time was had by all. This first year has gone so incredibly fast and he has changed so much. We love you Zach!

Here are some pictures from tonight and some video to enjoy.


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