Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Bouncy, Bouncy

I'm still bouncing around after today. The Civic Center had a "Family Fun Festival" in the expo hall. It was about 7 inflatable toys, lots of advertisers and a very old Ronald McDonald clown doing magic tricks. I had a blasty blast and Zach had fun watching, but he was scared of Ronald, and I was a little bit as well. I really liked the bicycle safety course and did well on the big bike with training wheels (hint, hint you guys). I got lots of stickers, magnets, suckers and freebies! We had lunch at Old Chicago. I was very happy to learn you don't have to DRIVE to Chicago to eat at Old Chicago. Zach is going to get his 1yr photos done tomorrow while I am at school. Hope his little bump on his noggin' is gone by then.

Have a good one!

It's gonna pop!!! I couldn't finish it on my own, I was too flinchy


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