Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Friday, January 04, 2008

Don't be a Fool, Stay in School

Mom, myself and my toys were very happy that I was able to go back to school today. Me, because I miss my friends. My toys, because they are getting a little worn out from all the playing. And Mom, because she is a little worn out from being told how to play. I love to play. Play all day is what I say. I have a wonderful imagination, but I am very particular about how I play. For instance, Mom was playing dinos with me yesterday and she had the carnivores eating the plant eaters! I had to tell her that these were NICE carnivores and the herbivores and them have long since made peace on Dino Island. Mom asked what they should eat and I told her that they know how to fish and can catch fish for dinner. She also kept sinking dinos in the tar pit and I did not like that kind of destruction. The T-Rex is the triceratops' Daddy and I don't care what Darwin says, they can be related if I want. So after educating Mom in how to play dinos properly, I told her she could only play if she agreed to stop the carnage.

Zach is a little sick with the cold I had last week, so he has been a bit whiny. He is really into following me. He likes to tip over my crayons, invade Dino Island and snoop in my room. I got in trouble the other day for teasing him. I kept holding one of my dinos out, telling him to touch it and then when he did, I pulled it away and yelled at him for being a "naughty baby". I got in a heap-o-big-trouble for that. I am a little tired of hearing "he doesn't know any better", so I figured it was high-time to teach him better. Stop messing with my stuff! And so it begins...

Have a great weekend, it sure came up quick with the Holidays and all. Mom insists on taking decorations down this weekend. I think we may as well leave them up until next year. I mean 350 days is really not THAT far away, is it?



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