Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Thursday, December 27, 2007

A Christmas Poem For Katherine

'Twas two nights after Christmas, and all through the house
Mom was tripping over torn paper and a new snowman blouse

The stockings were flung on the floor without care
Just two days ago they were stuffed with Supergirl Underwear

The children are finally restrained in their beds
They're losing their sugar highs from too much gingerbread
And Mama with her computer planted firmly on her lap
She had just settled down for a grown up nightcap

When just up the stairs, there arouse such a clatter
Mama dashed right up, to see what was the matter
Up to the crib, Mama flew in a flash,
To see that the baby had thrown his pacifier-stash
The floor was covered with pacifiers aglow
The baby, you see, is smarter than we know

When what to her wandering eyes did appear?
But the vision of a girl, asleep with no fear
All bundled up in blankets, so cozy and thick
Mama knew that this moment would pass much too quick

A little girl so tiny, but so smart and so tame
So thoughtful, so sweet and so loved all the same
So perfect in every way, she is in need of no fixin
But what can you expect when her mom is such a vixen?

Mama tiptoed in the room and stood by the wall
She whispered how I wish you could always stay so small
Mama gave her a kiss and tried not to cry
Afraid the girl would change with just the wink of an eye
She hoped the little girl would always know one thing that's true
Mama got her Christmas Wish and that wish is you


At 10:28 AM, Blogger Amanda said...

Stop! Tears!
That's really sweet....

At 10:56 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

April - you are so poetic, perhaps you should have been a writer. That poem is beautiful, make sure you print it and keep it somewhere safe. I think you should put it on a plaque in her room - make sure to date it

Love Aunt Debbie


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