Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Monday, January 07, 2008

Who Gave this Kid Wheels?

My Zach Attack alert level has now been raised to "orange". He can really scoot around with this walker. Soon, he will be doing it on his own. Mom and I were just putting all of last year's photos into the album today and we just can't believe how this little boy has grown!

I am finally back into the full swing of things. School yesterday, gymnastics today, etc. I had a fun weekend! Actually, taking down the Christmas decorations was NOT that much fun, but Mom made it up to me. We saw the Chipmunk movie on Sunday and went out to lunch...just us girls. I thought the funniest part was when Alvin said "Bowchicawow-wow", because my Daddy sometimes says that and I have no idea why, but it sure is funny! Mom kind of sounds like the Dave guy in the movie, but instead of Alvin, she yells "Alllll---aaaaaannnn!"

Enjoy this video of Zach. Hope you can see me camouflaged. I'm hard to find my hot, bright pink camo pants!



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