Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Ice Princess

Hello, long lost cyber-friends. Sorry it's been so long, but January makes for long days with little excitement other than an extra tv show here or there or maybe a trip to the mall. We've been trying to keep busy around the house. This is the time of year that the play-doh gets heavily used and the house starts to fill up with little "projects".

In effort to break up the winter blahs, we decided to head North this weekend. Oh, wait a it is cold up there, too. Sure enough, it is cold. Not just "Brrr, I'm a little chilly cold", but snot-freezing, life-threatening, COLD! At least by being cooped up at Nana's, I have a new batch of toys to play with and can't whine to Mom about being bored!

We went to New Glarus yesterday to try on flower girl dresses for cousin Carly's wedding which will be in September. It was a hard choice since I looked so beautiful in all of them. I think we narrowed it down though. Carly sure looked beautiful in her dress as well. I am excited to get to help out on her big day. After the dresses, we went out for lunch with everyone and came back for the afternoon. Mom has been thinking about roller-skating today. Yippee! I hope she decides to take me.

Good luck today all you Packer fans. May the force of the cheeseheads be with you.

Ballerine dress was my fave


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