Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Gimme a Zachy-back Ride!

Pretty soon Zach probably will be big enough to give me a piggyback ride! Today was Zach's last day of "infanthood". We're all just kind of dumbfounded that he's going to be the big "01" tomorrow! The weather is kind of putting a snafu on things, but hopefully some family can still make it. I am still going to go to school, because it is our Chinese New Year's party tomorrow and we've been getting ready for it for weeks now. I didn't go out and buy Zach anything for his birthday, but I did make him a really cool card that Mom will scan later and put on the blog. He probably won't be walking anytime too soon. If you let go of his hands, he flinches and falls down pretty quickly. He's still getting into my stuff a lot, but I'm getting really good at distracting him and learning to play with him. It is pretty cool to have someone who thinks that I am SO cool and wants to do everything I do. I try to set a good example for him and teach him how to be kind, even when he pulls my hair and spits on me.

Sorry if the video is "squishy", we had to edit it some and cut out the part where he kind of falls down.

Gung Hay Fat Choy!


At 8:05 AM, Blogger Amanda said...

Happy BDay Zach Man. Your first year went fast!

I bet he'll be walking in less than 6 weeks- just a guess ;) Then good luck ladies. Have fun with that. A blessing and a curse!


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