Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Friday, January 25, 2008

Artsy Fartsy

We've been doing lots of projects since it is a little on the chilly side out there. Mom has been trying to have a positive attitude about the weather, but it really doesn't help much some days. She keeps asking Dad if we can get transferred somewhere warmer! I don't think it is so bad, but I would love to play in the snow.

We did a fun project yesterday called decoupage. I tore little tiny pieces of tissue paper (not easy for a 4 yr old to do, but essential to learn) and layered them on a frame and brushed them with glue. It was lots of fun and cool to get sticky.

Zach will be one next Wednesday. Can you believe it? We're not going to have a party for him though :( Not enough people could make it, so it will just be us, Nana Vicki and maybe Great Aunt Cindy. We ordered his cake yesterday and it will have farm animals on it and covered with lots of icing! Mom wants to do something special for his day, but can't think of what. Any ideas? He's cutting his top two teeth right now, but he's doing ok with it. I got in trouble last night because I left out the Hungry Hippo game and he got ahold of the marbles. We don't think he swallowed any, but time will tell, if you know what I mean...ewwww. His favorite thing to do these days is follow Mom around and climb up her legs when she's trying to get stuff done. I bet I never did that! He also likes to go in my castle with me and we scream and try to knock it over. I think I'm his favorite person in the whole world!

We are probably staying around here this weekend, unless my family decides to have a party for my cousin-- he turns 6 today. No football this weekend, so we better figure out how to keep Dad busy. I think Mom's been making a list, uh oh!



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