Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Monday, December 31, 2007

See Ya Next Year!

Boy, did I have fun hearing Mom say that all day. I had a nice day today. We went bowling and out for lunch earlier. Dad beat Mom, but he totally cheated by bouncing off the bumper rails. Then we came home and had a Rockin' New Years' Eve. I had full intentions of staying up late, but I didn't argue much when Mom said I should go to bed around 9. It was an interesting evening. I was more than a little freaked out by the eye on Dad's lobster tonight. Mom kept pinching me with her lobster claws and I did NOT think that was funny! Zach was absolutely traumatized by the party horn blowers we bought today. We have video Zach freaking-out, but we can't share it because it is really, really sad. Poor little guy.

Tomorrow is my last day home with Dad. I hope we have fun and I wish he never had to go back to work. It has been fun having him around the past two weeks.

Happy New Year to you all! Stay tuned for the year in review, coming soon.


STOP blowing those horns, people!


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