Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Potty Mouths

So we've had a couple of disturbing things happen around here lately. First of all, I have a bit of a "bully" situation. I don't want to call her a bully, she's more of a pest, but lately this kid has been really giving me a hard time. She's been messing up my piggytails, taking stuff out of my backpack on the bus and calling me names. The other day, I told Mom I had to give her $20 to be nice to me the rest of the year. Well, Mom has been trying to teach me techniques to stand up for myself, but this was the last straw, so she contacted the mother and so far, things are better. Sure, I'm a bit thin-skinned, but I don't give nobody my money! I got up in her face and told her to knock it off, but sometimes it takes a little mommy-power.

In other disturbing news, Zach has picked up a few bad words, courtesy of Mom. The same Mom who was so vigilant about everyone speaking "G-rated" around me my whole life has been dropping some words lately that Zach has been quick to pick up. Apparently, he was saying the "S" word a lot while they were gone. And his latest thing is to yell "God D&*#it" when he gets mad. He says it over, and over and over in a very angry voice. He knows it always elicits some chuckles, so he says it more. And when he says "Oh Cwap", it's just too cute not to laugh. So Mom has been lectured by Dad and she promises to keep a wrap on it. The worst story, which is really too obscene for this blog is when the other day, Mom was driving and called the guy who cut her off a "Di#&hole". The whole way home, Zach chanted "No, no, Dic$hole". Nice. In Mom's defense, she says the same amount of cuss word per month that Dad lets out during one Bears' Game. And he drops a lot worse language!

So hopefully we get our acts together here this week....or it will be all tricks and no treats for us!



At 12:25 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

A bully-- already. Boo. That is SO not cool. I can see Maren being the target of this behavior someday.

At 4:14 PM, Blogger Bekah said...

Well, I don't like the bully situation...I hope that is now over with.

I did get a good giggle out of Zach's new words. :)

Thanks for the laugh!


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