Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Saturday, October 03, 2009

Jumping for Joy!

After many phone calls, internet searches and one trip to the ghetto-nasty K-Mart. Mom finally tracked down the Thomas Sheets at a moderately nice K-Mart. Yes, Mom has kind of gotten over the whole "commercialism" thing and just lets him have what makes him happy. Fortunately, her grumbling about the ghetto K-Mart saying they had it (when they didn't) led to the manager of the nice K-Mart giving her a percentage off. It wouldn't be Mom unless she had a coupon or fanagaled something or the other.

SO -- Dad converted the crib to a toddler bed last night. The sheets actually went on the bed earlier in the day when it was still a crib. Zach held them the entire way home, helped Mom wash them and made his bed. He napped in it just fine. He was VERY excited at bedtime for his big boy bed, but when it came time to shut the lights off, he whimpered for a bit and wanted "my Kackine" to sleep with me. He soon fell asleep though -- never got out once during the night -- and slept until 8:30 the next day!! Hopefully that is a sign of things to come, but likely not!

My soccer game got rained out today, boo! And it was my turn to bring treats, double boo! Hopefully we will make the game up later this week. This weekend will be a quiet one. Maybe a movie, some errands and of course, lots of football.

Have a good one!


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