Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Monday, September 07, 2009

The Fish be a Bitin'

We had a funtastic weekend. We really had NO plans whatsoever -- shocker, I know for us not to have a plan. So during my soccer match on Saturday, Dad decided we should head to the cabin for the weekend. We lost our match by the way, but I still did really well and had fun. The first couple hours at the cabin were pretty quiet, but then my cousins came and I had loads of fun. Zach and I both caught our first fish that day. I got a catfish, Zach got some weird thing I had never heard of. Then we got the campfire going and had pizza pies and cherry pies on the fire. Zach and I mostly played inside with our cousins. We didn't leave until 11, we were crashed! On Sunday, it was too chilly to do any more boating, so we came home and vegged like the big zucchinis grandma sent back with us. Today, Mom and I did some shoe shopping, played with some lingering birthday crafts and played outside. Mom tried to keep Dad busy, but he was pretty determined to do minimal labor on Labor Day. I'm ready for school tomorrow. Hard to believe some kids are just NOW starting when here I'm already a seasoned veteran.

Hope you had a nice weekend as well!


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