Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Zach has some fun

With me at school now, Mom and Zach have been trying to keep busy. Zach likes to go, go, go and so does Mom. Unfortunately, it wouldn't be very responsible for them to go out shopping everyday like they would like to. So, they violated the naptime rules last week and went out to the Orchard. That's a pretty big deal because Mom never, ever goes anywhere during sacred naptime. It backfired on her though because I happened to come down with a belly ache that day and the school called Mom at 2:30. Fortunately, our neighbor picked me up and Daddy came right home shortly after.

Zach still isn't in any type of preschool program. He'll start 3yr old preschool next year. There are several places where he could go "hang out" for the morning, but the time just doesn't seem right for him yet. Mom took him to watch Tyce's gymnastics class last week -- she really thought he would jump right in, but he was very certain that he did not want to. He also despises going to the daycare at the gym with Mom. He doesn't have screaming fits or tantrums, but he is very sad and sullen the entire time before, during and after. Mom's in a pickle. She needs to really do something to help him branch out a bit and have some fun, but we've all learned that forcing Zach to do something he doesn't want to do only backfires in a major way. I guess they'll just take it month by month and see where he is at. Anyhow, he did have a TON of fun at the Orchard with some friends. He was sweet enough to bring me home a caramel apple and some cider. He was talking all evening about how he fed the goats, played on the toys and played mini-golf. Mom said he was a very good boy.

Our weekend was pretty quiet otherwise. We won our soccer match and enjoyed the beautiful weather all day. On Sunday, we watched the Bears get slapped around by the Packers at our neighbors house. Fortunately, the good company and food helped to ease the blow.

School pictures coming up this week! I'm working on my super-duper sweet extra-dimple smile.

Ta ta for now!


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