Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Nothing says September like Oktoberfest

We've always been confused by this, but turns out....
"In the year 1812, the Oktoberfest was cancelled since Bavaria was involved in the Napoleonic war. In 1816, carnival booths appeared. The main prizes were silver, porcelain, and jewellery. In 1819, the founding citizens of Munich assumed responsibility over festival management. It was agreed that the Oktoberfest would be celebrated each and every year without exception. Later, it was lengthened and the date pushed forward, the reason being that the end of September in Bavaria often has very good weather. The high temperature in the first week of Oktoberfest nears 19°C which stimulates the thirst of the visitors. However, today the last week of Oktoberfest is still in October."

And there you go, some history. We went to the local celebration on Saturday. It was fun -- Mom like the music, alphorns, food and drinks. There was a bouncy house for us, so that was an unexpected perk. It was a total rip off though -- $14 to get in, $4 a beer, $10 for the bouncy stuff and $10 for a plate of food which consisted of a plain brat, some kraut, cafeteria mashed potatoes and rye bread. But, believe it or NOT, Mom loosened her purse strings and had some fun. We even went to Old Chicago after because we were still so darn hungry.

Today, Dad headed to the farm to get the combine ready for some pickin'! He was supposed to take Zach, but Grandma had her hands full as it was and Dad was on a mission to hurry up and get his job done. He'll be home with us all this week -- last week of "non-voluntary, unpaid vacation" as we like to call it, whew! Mom made the best of the day alone with us. She took us to the middle school park, we painted, made dinosaur magnets, baked a cake for school and watched the Bears triumph.

My soccer match went well. We didn't win, but I had some killer kicks on defense and was much more participative -- and I had F-U-N!

That's about it from here. Oh! I had school pictures last week, I looked totally cute. Don't worry, I opened my eyes for the photographer at school :)

Have a good start to your wonderful week!

Hey Dad, wanna compare bellies?


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