Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Monday, October 19, 2009

Lucky Number Seven

Mom and Dad are celebrating their 7 year anniversary today. They are leaving for Florida tomorrow to do nothing but sit on the beach and relax. Can you believe they are going to FL and not even going to Disney? What is WRONG with them?!?! I am looking forward to having my grandparents here all week. Grandma D is coming today and then Nana and Papa will take over on Thursday.

I had my last soccer game this weekend. I really have made some progress -- I am a lot more aggressive at getting in there and getting a piece of the ball. It was a pretty nice day, so we went out with a great finish. Dad went to go farm, so Zach and I hung out at home with Mom. Mom was kind of nutty-- cleaning, cooking meals and writing lists, but Zach and I were super good and really entertained ourselves so much. We barely fought at all and even made cards for Mom and Dad. We played outside a bunch, rented some movies and got all 48 of our spring flower bulbs planted.

No recent pics to post, so enjoy an old one of Zach showing off his dinosaur tattoo!

Later taters!


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