Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Monday, October 12, 2009

Gonna Party Like it's 1929

We had a fun weekend with our family. We headed up to WI on Saturday. We were supposed to go to the farm, but it was cold and Dad wasn't feeling too well. Working on the combine with a cold in the cold is no fun. So we got to Nana's late that afternoon, we just hung out and played up there. On Sunday, we went to Papa Miller's 80th birthday party. His daughters did a very nice job putting everything together. The cake was delightful and Grandpa had lots of people turn out to celebrate which made him very happy. We had to leave right after because Dad had to work today, so it was a short visit, but fun nonetheless.

I had a dentist appointment today. Unfortunately, I had another cavity, which takes me up to two total. I will go back for a filling next month. Zach watched the entire cleaning. He got a toothbrush and a prize for being a good listener. Hopefully that will help encourage him to do well when he starts going next year.

I've got the day off school. I've been playing with Pleo a lot and we're going to do some journaling this afternoon. Mom found a new download for Pleo to give her some Halloweeny behaviors, so we're going to have fun with that.

Later taters! Which reminds me, Mom let us have tater tots for lunch and we both hated them. Go figure! She sometimes lets us have something junky and fun like Spaghetti-O's or Velveeta, but we never like it. Probably for the best.



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