Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Delightful Day with Dad

I was so lucky that Dad was home this week and able to come on my class field trip with me! We went to the same Orchard that Mom and Zach went to a couple weeks ago. Dad had 4 girls to look after and we were all really good and responsible little kids for him. He was a little nervous about the long bus ride there and keeping track of other people's kids, but it went really well and he had tons of FUN! I cried on the way to school today because I was so sad my Daddy couldn't come again :(

We're off to Grandma D's for the weekend. Mom and Dad have a wedding to go to in Chicago, so Zach and I will be staying at Grandma's from Friday until Sunday. Zach's excited for a tractor ride and I'm just happy to go to Grandma land where I get to watch a ton of TV and eat candy all weekend, wahoo!

Have a great week. Catch you on the flip side!

Dad's classic "I'm having fun pose"

The best kids in the group!


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