Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Wrapping up the Week

Howdy, howdy. What a fun week it has been. We missed Mom and Dad a lot, but we had tons of fun with our grandparents. They kept us busy, kept us fed and kept the house in one piece. Mom and Dad didn't have a thing to worry about. They had a great time in FL and even though they missed us like CRAZY, they still managed to relax and unwind.

They got back yesterday and were pretty tired, so we just hung out here and spent some time together. Today everyone was feeling back in the groove, so we took advantage of the beautiful day and took our Sunday morning hike, followed by lunch and buying our carving pumpkins. I found a great letterbox on the hike and Zach and I had fun crunching the leaves around. Mom helped me carve my jack o lantern today and Dad helped Zach with his. To the best of Dad's recollection, he said he's never carved a pumpkin before. He did a bang up job on Zach's Thomas-O-Lantern.

I am SO excited to be Student of the Week at my school this week. I'll get to eat lunch with the principal and have lots of special treatments all around.

Ciao for now!


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