Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Dozin' With Dinos

I'm not talking about my stuffed animals! I am talking about the REAL thing! Ok, not REAL dinosaurs, but real skeletons of dinosaurs. Last night was the night I have been waiting three years for! You see, to be able to go on an overnight at the Field Museum, you have to be 6 years old. So, Mom booked the first overnight that fell after my sixth birthday. Dad and I had a blast! We headed to Chicago after lunch yesterday. We got to the museum around 6 -- after a pit stop at Soldier Field and the Bears' gift shop, of course! After orientation, we listened to some speakers, did some workshops and then went to see Dinosaurs Alive in 3D. My favorite part was the flashlight tour through Ancient Egypt. It was super spooky! I was also very happy that we got there early enough to score my sleeping spot -- right next to the Triceratops. I also got to meet some cool kids, hold a tarantula, wrap a mummy and listen to bedtime stories under Sue. It was a perfect night. The lights went out at 1a.m. and Dad said my eyes shut as soon as my head hit the pillow. Dad didn't sleep too well, but he had lots of fun. I was very appreciative of my early Christmas present.

We had a nice Thanksgiving as well. Nana, Papa, Tara and Cody came to visit. Dad tried to deep fry the turkey this year. It went pretty well except it wasn't cooked all the way through, so we had to finish it off in the oven. I had fun playing with everyone and making stellar table decorations with Tara.

Mom and Zach had a nice time alone last night. Mom took him to the video store and he picked out a Thomas movie. They ate popcorn, put up the Christmas tree and decorations and stayed up really late.

We're hoping to go to the festival of lights parade tonight, as long as we're not too tired!

Here are some pics from the past few days.

Ta ta for now.


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