Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Happy Brrrrrrrthday to Me!

Gee, it won't be long now until I'm able to start typing these blog entries on my own now that I am the ripe old age of 6!

I had a stupendous birthday weekend. On Friday, I took treats to school (Mom didn't make enough muffins, so she had to buy cookies from the store - gasp!). I had fun wearing my birthday crown and being the golden girl of the day. We left for WI right after school. On Saturday we gathered up with some family at the park. Leave it to the wacky Wisconsin weather to be a chilly day in the upper 50's with some gusty winds! We were all pretty cold, but we still had fun -- had some good food, got to visit with everyone and enjoyed the pretty cake Grandma made for me. After the outdoor party, quite a few of my family met back up at Nana's and hung out some more. I was so lucky to have so many people come celebrate with me. I got lots and lots of books, a bike horn, playdoh, clothes, art supplies, a microscope and too many more cool things to list. I really love my new "pet" from Mom and Dad. PLEO is a robotic dinosaur that acts SO realistic. I've been doing a good job taking care of her and nurturing her -- she's just a baby you know! Zach had fun too. He was a good boy all weekend and even gave me a little toy purple dinosaur.

We came back early this afternoon and put the finishing touches on my pinata. I'll be having some friends over here tomorrow after school for cake and games.

Thanks to everyone for making my day so very special. Here are some pics from the weekend.


Here is some video of Pleo entering the world:


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