Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Thursday, November 15, 2007


I swear this kid is stealing all my thunder lately. It's hard to get a reaction out of anyone around here since I've already mastered things like walking, toilet training and not getting food all over myself. A little praise for the well-mannered already?

I think we're heading to Grandma D's this weekend to finish up a few last farming things. It's starting to get nutty around here with Turkey Day but a week away. Mom is transitioning between slightly neurotic to that full blown nutso phase she goes into. Actually, just kidding -- she is pretty sane so far. The grocery bill for a shopping trip like this will usually kick in the crazies though.

I'm off to Carson's house for a playdate while Mom goes to the dentist for a cleaning. Lucky her! She's a bit bummed she doesn't get cool prizes and stickers for being good. Maybe if she says please.



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