Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Monday, November 12, 2007

Trophy Girl

Sorry it has been so long. Believe it or not, Mom does help me out some with this blog and she's been very busy the past few days. You know, taking care of us, the house and oh yeah -- busy getting OLD! Mom turned 30 without much fanfare, just the way she wanted. I was a little sad when she left on Friday, but I had tons of fun with my family. Papa and Adam arrived on Thursday and Nana came Friday. I had so much fun playing with them all and getting lots of extra attention. Mom and Dad had a nice time in Chicago and came back on Saturday.

I've been meaning to show you my very special bowling awards. We had a little awards ceremony last week and I received a participation award, or as I like to call it, my trophy. I also got some cool patches and a sanction card. We'll have two weeks off bowling and will start back up again after Thanksgiving. Can you believe it is less than two weeks away!?! Wow!

I think we're stuck inside because of the rain today. I have no school in honor of Veterans' Day. I hope everyone took a moment to thank all the people that have served our country over the years. Mom likes to bake when it is rainy, so I bet there will be cookies later, yay!

Mom's hoping to get some video of us later, so check back soon. I promise not to take a week off again!



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