Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Friday, October 26, 2007

Here We Come to Save the Day!!

Check out our fly superhero costumes. Halloween season has officially been kicked off. Mom said I will get to wear my costume about 5 or 6 times by the time we have gone to all of my events. Yesterday was spooky storytime at the library. Afterwards, we were able to trick or treat around one side of the square. It was only four businesses, but it was chilly out, so that was probably for the best. We made a cute mummy craft at the library and heard some nice stories that weren't too scary. Zach even skipped his nap and joined in on the fun. He was really good and not crabby at all. We're glad he held up and didn't turn into a supervillain!

I'm off to Grandma D's for the weekend after school today. There's a little bit of combining left to finish up and Grandpa says he needs my help. Have a great weekend.


Super Zach

Don't worry, Mom is hiding behind that bookshelf.


At 2:46 PM, Blogger Amanda said...

Super CUTE! Love it. I adore K for not wanting to go as something femmed out like all the other girls!


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