Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Monday, October 29, 2007

Down on the Farm

Happy Monday. Well, I'm not so happy today. I am sick AGAIN and have to miss school today. I have a bit of a snot fountain coming out of my nose, and I'm coughing, so I better rest up for Halloween. I did have a great weekend though! We got to the farm Friday afternoon. I didn't get to combine though because the grain bins were too full and there was nowhere to put the corn. I did get to ride the tractor for awhile and even survived when mom drove down the field a bit. That was a little scary! On Saturday, we met Nana, Papa, Betty and Papa Miller for lunch in Dixon. They are leaving for Florida later this week. Mom said they are snowbirds, which I thought was funny. We had a nice lunch and I'm glad I got to see them. Maybe some day we can visit them in Florida and go to Disney.

Better go get some tissues, I feel a sneeze coming on, watch out!



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