Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Sunday, November 04, 2007

Tree Huggers

I was so excited to go for a mini-hike on Saturday. I was even excited to get to walk and carry my own load. However, after being on the same trail for over an hour, I was all of a sudden not so happy that Zach had taken over my place in the backpack. I had logged a lot of miles on that carrier and had seen many famous places from behind the view of my Dad's head - Pisa, Rome, Venice, Normandy, Monaco, Florence - all forever blocked from my memory by Dad's big noggin. Zach was happy as could be though, so I sucked it up and kept on truckin'. We finally gave up on "trail #3" when it turned into an open field and realized that it was time to turn around. We actually planned on hiking at a new place, but it was only a 5 minute hike to a small pond. Although the pond wasn't too boring, because Mom and Dad were convinced they saw some people on the other side frantically putting their clothes back on -- gotta love the locals. So we got back in the car and drove to our usual spot. It was a beautiful fall day and I had fun crunching in the leaves and enjoying nature. I always like going places when Dad comes along because there is usually ice cream involved at some point during the outing. The rest of my weekend was pretty quiet. We spent today going all over looking for a new car seat. Zach is getting too big for his infant carrier and is going to take over my car seat soon (see a pattern here?), so it is time for me to graduate to the next stage of child restraint systems.

I have a fun week coming up. I am looking forward to Uncle Adam, Nana and Papa coming to stay with me later this week. Mom & Dad are going to Chicago for Mom's bday, so they are going to be brave leave us in the competent (?) hands of my family. I asked Mom how old she was going to be and she said somewhere between dirt and death, which I didn't really get.

Get a load of this! Last night some very naughty juveniles came and smashed our pumpkins. They had the nerve to ring the doorbell at midnight after committing the horrible crime. Mom said it was kind of funny to see Dad standing on the front porch in his jammies with his hands on his hips -- just waiting for the little perpetrators to come back. Hooligans! I was pretty sad to hear that "Oinkie" was reduced to a pile of pumpkin pulp, but Dad had cleaned up the carnage long before I saw it, whew!

Hope you have a great week!

Yay, walking is fun

Replaced, snap!

Pretty pond


At 8:12 AM, Blogger Amanda said...

"Although the pond wasn't too boring, because Mom and Dad were convinced they saw some people on the other side frantically putting their clothes back on -- gotta love East Peoria."

That's the best quote I've heard in weeks.


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