Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Nine Months In, Nine Months Out

Hard to believe ol' Zach has been with us now for the same amount of time it took him to come out! Mom was looking back at pictures from when I was nine months old. I was crawling and standing up by then, whereas Zach seems to be content being stationary for now. That is just fine with us, although it is frustrating when he keeps flopping over on his back and needs someone to help him back up. He'll learn when he's ready, even if we aren't ready for him! He's very into feeding himself now and babbling all the time. He's so much fun to have around and I sure love my little brother.

I woke up feeling loads better today. I was able to go to my gymnastics Halloween party today and had lots of fun playing duck-duck-goose and games. I was just thrilled mom remembered to put me in a costume this year. As you can see, Supergirl needs to work on being ladylike and keeping her legs crossed during pictures. I am super excited for tomorrow and hope the weather is good for us little trick or treaters.

Have a great day!


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