Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Thursday, November 01, 2007

Trick or Treat, Smell my Feet....

That's the cool thing about being 4, I learn all these cool sayings from my Mom and use them over, and over and over. Man oh man, what a day yesterday was. I put my costume at 9am and didn't take it off until 9pm! All my friends at playgroup dressed up. Then it was off to school where I had a fun party. Mom stayed to help out. We made lots of Halloween crafts and played some games. After school, we went bowling. My Supergirl powers really helped me bowl well. Then, after bowling we waited till dusk and did some hardcore trick or treating. I went to at least 20 houses and wanted to keep going, but it was getting really cold. There was one house that was really into jumping out of the bushes and scaring kids. I was really, really scared and almost started to cry, but then they said sorry and took the masks off -- then I thought it was pretty funny. Superbaby stayed back with Dad to pass out candy. Unfortunately, Dad ran out of candy early because he made the fatal mistake of letting the kids take as much as they want out of the bowl! We got back and sorted out my loot. I had a few pieces and went to bed without a fight. Mom told me that today (Thursday) is my special day to do whatever I want since we ran around like crazy people yesterday. I decided I'm going to play all morning and then I want to go to the library after lunch. I have French class tonight and then hopefully we can rest after that and spend some family time together.

Hope you had a spooktacular Halloween!


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