Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Monday, November 05, 2007


It's no secret that ol' Zackaroni loves food. He's yet to meet an edible he doesn't like. Mom was always convinced that kids will eat anything early on, as long as you offer it to them frequently. Well, then she had me and realized that some kids do indeed have picky palates. Zach, however, is an open canvas ready for the world of food -- more like his highchair is a canvas ready for whatever he'll schmear on it next. He was really diggin' on blueberry crepes this weekend. The clean-up took more time than it did to make the food. It was worthing losing a pair of jammies to see him so happy. I liked calling him "messy Bessy". His healthy appetite has even gotten me to try some new foods as well. Happy Eating, Zach!


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