Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Tuesday Tidbits

As promised, here is some video. Mom was asking me a lot of questions and I really was NOT in the mood to talk to the camera, so all that came out of it was Zach being silly. Mom always keeps saying she's going to take more video, but things get busy and the camera never seems to be around when we need it.

I'm off to take a nap. I've been being quite dramatic about the very littlest of things today, so Mom seems to think a little rest will cure my attitude. We didn't have any junky Goldfish to snack on and judging by my reaction, you'd think someone just told me that Santa was on strike. And then I had another meltdown when Mom shut the car door and didn't let me do it. She's really going to have a hoot with me in about 8 years.


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