Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Saturday, November 24, 2007

No. More. Turkey. Nooooo!!!

Bleh, I'm tired of leftovers! I never really liked the food when it was not leftovers (<---see my plate), so is it any wonder that I don't like it warmed back up? Just turkey, please. No 'taters, no stuffing or cranberries for me, thanks. I did have a great time with my family and a very nice Thanksgiving. I'm having a quiet 4 day weekend with Mom and Dad. We're going to the Festival of Lights parade in another town tonight, should be fun! I also had a blasty-blast swimming at the hotel pool yesterday. I got around really well in just my floaties. Zach had fun too. I miss my family, but I will see them soon. Our town won the State football championship just a few minutes ago. Not a big deal now, but it is fun for Mom and Dad to think that someday we'll be playing sports for that school. I hope we'll get the tree out this weekend, but Mom says she doesn't know if she is ready for Christmas thoughts yet. The way my logic works is that the sooner the tree goes up, the sooner the presents start piling underneath it, and there's nothing wrong with that! I've got a pile of new library books to go dig into, so I'm outtie. See you later, turkeys

Baby's first Thanksgiving


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