Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Friday, August 24, 2007

Ghetto Fabulous

Uh-oh. I think mom found a new "hobby". We all know that she tends to get really, really OCD about some idea and absolutely beat the idea to death and then abandon such idea along with the expensive supplies acquired by said "hobby". Scrapbooking? Digital Scrapbooking? French Memo Boards? All these items are shoved back in some closet or saved on some back-up server right now, collecting dust, never to be seen from again. Well, look out candy stores. We made my dino-candy suckers yesterday and we had a blasty blast melting the chocolate and pouring the molds. I think it won't be long 'till mountains of plastic molds take over our kitchen.

We went to a "Decorator's Grocery" store and you could here the sound of angels singing around mom when she walked in. Cake pans, sprinkles, frosting contraptions, candy molds, cake! We walked out with way more than we planned for, but it was FUN. Who knew a whole store could be dedicated to just the baking of cakes and cookies? This store was in the ghetto. Mom said "Aww crap, this place is in the ghetto". Well, there were a lot of friendly looking people hanging around outside and I loved the brick style roads. So I told mom as we walked from the car in my loudest voice "I like the ghetto!". Oops. Mom then said "Shhh!" in her loudest voice and we ran into the store.

So enough of my ghetto tales. We made the suckers - awesome. We wrapped the candies - awesome again. We now have enough dinosaur related cake decorating products to ensure that Zach will be having dinosaur birthday parties whether he likes it or not. Today, we stayed home and cleaned. Mom let me bust out the play-doh and anything "crumby" before she cleans the floors tomorrow. I helped scrub the tub and carry laundry. I also helped bake cookies which consisted of me on the counter with a bag of chocolate chips and some marshmallows between my toes. Later, we went to the store and picked out the cake for my family party. That's right, a store cake. You would think that my previous story would convince anyone that mom would make my cake, but she is a slacker. What can I say? I guess this kid party is taking priority right now. Not to mention every shopping trip for the past year I have pointed at those cooler cakes and said "THAT'S WHAT I WANT FOR MY BIRHTDAY, MOM!" So I picked out a Tinkerbell cake. Yup. Dino party one day, Tinkerbell the next. Don't say I don't keep you on your toes.

Nana Vicki and Aunt Debbie are heading down tomorrow. I think I will have loads of fun and be kept far from mom, who will surely be in full blown crazy mode by then. Happy Birthday Papa -- yet another person born in my great month.

That's all for now, more to come this weekend!


At 9:04 PM, Blogger Amanda said...

Come to Racine Katherine! We are ghetto-rific here baby!

Your Mom is super fun and cool. You are lucky to get those cute suckers.



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