Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Happy Hikers

Howdy, howdy. It's been a pretty good week around here. Zach is still doing great at preschool. I did splendidly on my first, timed math test. Yes, a 100 question timed math test in 2nd grade...crazy. I didn't obsess about the time too much and just gave it my best effort. I've been pretty busy with soccer and piano practice. It's been a fun week though! I'm zipping right along through piano and having fun with soccer. Mom thought we should take a nice close up pic of my toothless top row, thought that was pretty cute!

We didn't have much planned for this weekend. Actually, nothing at all. Mom gets a little antsy so we decided to go hiking on Saturday. On the way there, a small town was having "Meet Your Heros Day", so we stopped really quickly and they let us climb on the ambulances and fire trucks, very cool! Then, we drove about an hour north and hiked some pretty cool trails with a nice canyon and some cool caves. The waterfalls were all dried up, but it was still neat. Zach and I were absolute champions...we hiked very well without complaining and Zach only had to ride in the backpack twice. We relaxed today and watched some pretty pathetic football games. It's hard to believe fall is here already. Not so hard to believe that the Bears still stink.

Should be a quick week coming up and then off to.....drumroll....Cheese Days! I'm so excited to see everyone and watch the parade. Oh yeah, I should warn you all that WI has decided to let Dad come this year. So he'll be there, with all of his positive Cheese Days Spirit that he's so well-known for....sorry!

Later taters!


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