Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Saturday, August 07, 2010

Hanging on to Summer

Hi there. Sorry I haven't posted in awhile. We keep thinking to do it, but then we forget. So backing up to last weekend, we made a last minute trip to a graduation party in Chicago. You would never know it was a college party though....there was a bouncy house, cotton candy machine and lots and lots of treats. We all had a nice time meeting some relatives I've never seen before and it was a beautiful day. After the party, Zach and I went home with Grandma D and Mom and Dad stayed in the area for the night. The went to a great French restaurant in Chicago. They said it was hands-down the best meal they've had in over 4 years. Boy, 3.5 hours in a restaurant with French food doesn't sound like fun to me! They spent the night and got massages the next day. Those two are so silly.

This week we were trying to cram in all the activities on our to do list that did not get done yet. We went to 2 new parks, found 2 letterboxes, had a waterslide party at our house with all our neighborhood friends, went to a water park nearby and then got school supplies on Friday. Mom didn't consider school supplies as a fun thing, but I sure did. I loved going up and down the aisles with my list, checking things off. Zach got a folder just so he could get ready for school, too. I had my first soccer practice on Thursday and it was fun. My coach is nice and Dad may even be assistant coach this year, time to teach him about soccer! We're probably going to a baseball game tonight and then maybe back to the water park tomorrow. I was a little disappointed the other day that we had to stay in the "baby" area for Zach, so Mom said she'd take me back to do the waterslides and stuff some other time.

My class list came out yesterday. I don't know much about my teacher, but I'm sure like all teachers at our school, she will be great. I have 4 kids in my class from last year as well as some playground friends I remember. I'm very excited and ready for school. Only 10 days to go! Mom is definitely not looking forward to it, I think she's going to miss sleeping in. Zach is going to really miss his playmate, but hopefully we'll all adjust well.

That's all for now. Hope you're all enjoying these last few weeks of summer!


bouncy houses really can fall down, poor Zach!


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