Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Monday, August 30, 2010

Lucky Number 7

Here I am, a seven year old! Boy where does the time go!?! Seven is going to a be a great year for me. We had fun looking back on my 6 year old days and remembering what a great year it was.

I had a great birthday weekend. Some of my family came down to visit on Saturday. We hung out, had some cake and played. I was grateful that everyone made the long trip to spend time with me. On Sunday, we had my friend party. Mom was a little nervous about having eight 7 year old girls here, but everything went well. We painted dinosaur eggs, played on the waterslide, had a dinosaur egg hunt and of course ate some cake. My cake was once again amazing. This year, our friend Susan made a dinosaur dig site cake. We all took turns brushing away the graham cracker "dirt" and finding the dino skeleton on the cake. It was so cool! We opened gifts and handed out goody bags to my friends. We finished off the day with my birthday dinner. I wanted Texas Roadhouse this year. I was super-excited to sit in the saddle and have the whole restaurant cheer for me. It was a fun and perfect weekend!

Now that the parties are over, it's back to school I go. School has been going well. Things are pretty intense in the 2nd grade. We have reading and math logs for each month, fancy assignment books and lots more responsibility than 1st grade. So far, I've been keeping up just fine and coming home happy every day. I've been waking up at night a lot though and not able to fall back to sleep. We think it's a combination of school, a cold and Dad being gone all last week. Hopefully this week will be better -- it's been 7 straight nights now and it's really starting to catch up with all of us!

I've got soccer and piano going on this week. Our team has been doing well and I really enjoy playing even if our strategy isn't as optimal as the coach would like ;)

Thanks to everyone for the super birthday wishes. I am one lucky little girl!



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