Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Thursday, July 08, 2010

Gonna Go Back in Time

We went to a neat little historical museum today. It was on the list of things for me to do this summer in my Science Passport book. It was like a giant time capsule! Mom didn't have high hopes for the place, but we were all pleasantly surprised. It was neat to see the kitchen tools, toys, technology, cars and manufacturing equipment of "yesteryear". Most of the items were from pre WWII era except for a few cars. Zach loved the old train sets and real fire trucks the best. I liked the musical instruments and the clocks. We both liked tooting the horn on the real steam engine. Mom liked the nice collection of WWII memorabilia....newspapers, ammunition, uniforms and engines. There was a cool display of old CAT machinery and the first diesel CAT engine as well. Sounds kind of lame, but it was educational and fun. Did you know people used to sit around and listen to the radio as a family?!? I said we should take Papa Miller there to see if he recognizes any of his old stuff, ha ha ha.

We were supposed to head to WI today but as of last night it was supposed to storm today. Go figure it all cleared up and we could have went today. Unfortunately, Mom had not packed yet, the house was in shambles and we wouldn't have made it up there at a decent time. So we'll head up tomorrow instead. Mom is dropping us off and then driving back home to have a weekend with just Dad. I bet they'll be SO bored without us! I know we won't be bored at all!

Later taters


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