Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Monday, August 16, 2010

I Have a Locker!?!

Before I recount my fabulous weekend, let me start with today. Today was probably the best last day of summer break EVER! Dad surprised us with donuts for breakfast. We started off with a trip to Zach's school to drop off some papers. He was so happy to be there, he jumped right in the playroom and started playing. That made Mom and I so proud and happy for him. After that, we went to the Zoo and then off to do a couple errands. We were pretty exhausted after that, so Mom let us watch a movie and then turn on the Wii for the first time this summer. Zach and I played Raving Rabids and giggled ourselves silly. Then it was time to meet my teacher. I really, really like her and love my new classroom. It is so grown up! I have a really cool desk and a LOCKER! Mom about fell over. I put my belongings away and starting thinking of some cool ways to decorate it. We just happened to get home right as the ice cream truck was pulling up, score! Then, Dad came home and we had our traditional day before school IHOP meal. We went for a family walk, took a bath and then read a nice book. It was THE perfect day :)

Our weekend was also a great way to end summer break. We were dropped off at Grandma D's on Wednesday where we indulged in 2.5 days of treats, TV, time with Grandma and Grandpa and tractor rides. Mom and Dad picked us up on Saturday then we headed to WI to visit with Uncle Adam. I had a great time playing with all my family and picking on them as well. We drove back late Sunday afternoon and caught up on some rest, I really missed my bed and toys.

So, tomorrow I will be a 2nd grader, wow! Mom is a little sad about it and Zach will definitely miss me tons. We have a half day tomorrow and then early release all week. Should be a good way to ease into the school year.

Ciao for now!

Toad Riding Bud Bud

Monkey see monkey do

IHOP ciniminions


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