Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Monday, July 05, 2010


No pics from our weekend at the river because goofball Mom actually remembered the camera for once, BUT forgot the memory card to store the photos! I can tell you quite proudly that I went tubing twice and didn't even fall out. However, Dad had to promptly pull the boat over and get me out when I announced that "there is a bug in my container!" I had fun eating s'mores, visiting with Grandma and playing. Dad actually took Zach up a day early to get the boat ready, so Mom and I had a super-special 24 hours of girl-only time. We went letterboxing, out for ice cream, to an old-fashioned candy mercantile, to the Japanese steakhouse, to a Patriotic Concert on the square AND lit off that wasn't enough! The morning before we went to meet the boys, we watched some TV, cleaned the house and packed our bags. It was a great time and Zach ended up really enjoying his special time with Dad.

On Sunday, we got back home and decided to try to go to the city to watch the fireworks. We were lucky that our buddies next door were also going that way and Dad was able to get them into his work parking lot to watch them with us. It was great to have friends to sit with and no crowds, but Dad seriously chose the absolute worst spot in the entire lot....right behind a big 'ol tree! We'll know better next time. I was too busy eating popcorn and chitty-chatting to care too much and we were too lazy to move.

Today Dad had off again. We went for a nice hike and spent some quiet time together. Back to the grind tomorrow. Swimming lessons and screwing off, what a rough life!

Hope you had a spectacular 4th~

Oooooh, ahhhhh, it's a tree!


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