Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Thursday, July 01, 2010

Summer Don't Slip Away!

Wow, July 1st already! Where did it go? Mom told me today only 6 weeks until school starts. For someone who was SO sad when school was done, I sure have changed my tune. I could get used to this summer business!

This was my week of "nothingness". It filled up quickly, though. I had 2 swimming lessons, a trip to the local Bicycle Park, some errand running, a birthday party, the library, piano lessons and lots of outside time. Last weekend we ended up staying home, but had friends over to waterslide both nights and did some fun things at home. Mom has been filling up the afternoons with math worksheets (bleh), some summer journaling and lots of reading. No rest for the weary!

Zach just loves having me home. When I was at the birthday party on Tuesday he was absolutely lost without me. Don't get me wrong, we have fun but we still get in each other's hair more than Mom cares for. We both have been sent to our room on several occasions this week. It mostly involves me correcting him and him getting very upset about it to the point of screaming. Mom wants to install little cameras in the basement to see what really goes on.

We're probably staying home most of the weekend and then heading to the cabin for the 4th. Should be fun as long as everything is in working order and the weather cooperates. Our trip to TN is coming up in two weeks, Mom really needs to get on the ball and plan some things out...but we want this to be a laid back trip, so maybe that just won't happen. The minivan is booked for rental though, so that alone will be a small adventure in itself!

Happy Fourth of July!


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