Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Up, Up and Away!

We headed to WI last weekend to check out the balloons. There were some bad storms Friday night but we were able to see a few go up Saturday. It was a busy, busy weekend but worth the trip. We spent the day Saturday visiting Tara at "her lake". Mom wishes she had something like that close by. It is so nice to play in the sand and wade in the water. After that we were able to visit for a bit with Uncle Bob and Aunt Debbie. We went out to eat and then off to the fairgrounds to see the balloons and play on some toys. THEN, as if that wasn't enough excitement for the day, we headed out to the infamous Sky-Vu to see Toy Story 3. The movie was cute; very funny it parts but it was a little dark and scary in parts as well. The cymbal-banging monkey had both Zach and I in tears. We spent a good hunk of Father's Day in the car and the rest just chilling out. We also had to go to my orientation for College for Kids that night.

I started my Dinosaur class there on Monday. I go each afternoon for 4 hours. I just love it. Mom thought it was a little bizarre dropping me off there, but when she picked me up and saw how much fun I had, she was happy I went. I have to admit though, I haven't learned anything new, but I'm having tons of fun sharing my knowledge and doing cool things like making dinosaur eggs, digging for fossils and assembling skeletons. I've even been helping my teacher properly pronounce the names of the dinosaurs ;)

So tennis wraps up this week and next week I'll officially be done with all scheduled activities. I'll do a few private swimming lessons here and there and maybe a class at the nature center. I also need to work on filling up my Summer Science Passport book. We're starting to plan out our trip to TN for July. That will be here fast. We're also hoping to sneak another trip in to WI and maybe even further up North as well.

Hope you are staying cool as a cuke and having a great summer! Here are a couple pics of some other fun activities: a trip to a herpetology class on snakes and reptiles, and a trip to the Farm Park.


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