Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Play Us a Song, You're the Piano Girl...

Did someone call 911? Because I was on FIRE yesterday at my recital. I was so cool, that a cucumber was jealous. Despite the freakish storms, loss of power and cramped conditions, I kept my cool and played my 6 song beautifully, all by the illumination of a flashlight. I was so happy that Nana and Papa came all the way just to watch me play. I am a lucky little girl to have such a great opportunity. We went to my favorite place, Texas Roadhouse afterwards for a celebratory meal.

The rest of the weekend was pretty chill. We ran some errands today and did some yard work. Mom's garden is growing faster than we can keep up with it. We had some fun waterslide-action with my friends before they left for Disney World this weekend.

Back to the grind of tennis lessons and slacking off this week. On a sad note, I will have some restricted privileges this week. Mom found spit in Zach's hair tonight, she asked me, eye-to-eye if I did it and I lied. Not just once, but four times. Mom knew there was no other way that Zach could have gotten saliva on the top of his head so she kept pressing me. I finally came clean when she threatened to take away my dinos. My punishment is no ice cream truck, and the new toy I bought today with my garage sale earnings has been taken away for good. When Mom told me the saddest thing was that she didn't know if she could trust me anymore, I laid in my bed and cried for an hour. That hurt the worst:( Hopefully the lesson was learned. Zach and I were messing around back by the garden and I still don't have a good explanation as to how the spit got in his hair, but that's neither here nor there. In the meantime, if you see Zach rocking a slick new hair-do, you'll know why.


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