Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Tuesday, June 08, 2010

Rough Life

We've had so much fun lately, it should be a crime. Well, the garage sale wasn't very much fun for Mom, but it was fun for me. I did a lemonade stand with my friend and we were pretty good salespeople. Mom needs to take a lesson from us. Between the bad weather and heavy competition, they didn't sell much. They're actually going to leave everything in the garage and do it again this weekend. Dad says anything in the garage is forbidden from coming back in the house!

Our weekend was super busy and fun. We did some hiking, played outside a ton, went to a friend's house Saturday night and had movie night in our backyard Sunday night. It's amazing what kind of show you can pull off with a plain white sheet and a projector. We watched Ice Age 3, had popcorn and loads of candy. Mom was so busy running around she forgot to snap pictures. We decided next should be a Guitar Hero tourney in the backyard. The possibilities are endless!

I started tennis again yesterday. I did really well and had lots of fun. Today is looking pretty yucky, so it's off to the library. I've been doing lots of reading and journaling over break. I still will tell you flat out that I'd rather be in school, but Mom is doing a pretty good job of keeping me entertained at home. Zach and I have been playing great and using our imaginations lots. Zach, by the way, is fully toilet trained. It just kind of happened a couple of weeks ago. He was outside swimming, Mom let him pee in the grass and since then he's just decided he's ready. He wears underwear full time, no accidents at all and can even get his pants down by himself. He still can't master the number 2 business, but he's getting close. Looks like he'll get to go to preschool this fall after all!

I have my big recital coming up on Saturday. I've been practicing like crazy. Wish me luck!


Last day of school


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