Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Saturday, April 10, 2010

I Can See Clearly Now...

After 2 years, I finally got some new frames yesterday. My old ones were just fine, but the eye doctor convinced Mom to get me another pair, since I am officially so blind I really should never have to go without. My eye exam was not pretty....I went from -200 to -325 in 7 short months. But at least the problem is fixed for now and I can see better. Check out the bling on the sides of my frames. Mom wasn't crazy about this pair, but we reached a compromise. She wanted wire frames and I wanted the thick plastic kind with rainbow patterns. Good compromise indeed -- Mom got the wire frames around the lenses and I got the snazzy plastic bows with flowers and pizazz. Zach was saying how he didn't need glasses. I asked him if anything was fuzzy. He said "yeah, caterpillars". Pretty cute.

I had a fabulous spring break. We went to the zoo, storytime, shopping and I had 2 playdates. We spent loads of time outside. Our neighbors got a trampoline and we have full bouncing-rights so we've been bouncing like crazy. Mom is the self-proclaimed queen of butt-bombs and can bomb us so hard that Zach and I fall over. It's great.

The new garden is tilled so we're excited to start planting in a few weeks. Sounds like Grandpa is all ready for farming season, too. Spring is so great! All of our trees and landscaping survived the winter, our fall bulbs are blooming and we even have a bit of a farmer-tan. If this week was any sort of indicator how summer break is going to be, I'd say we're in for a fun 3 months!

Later taters

Zach made sure we took one of him without glasses


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