Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Monday, April 05, 2010

A Much needed Spring Break

I am SO ready for Spring Break. I need a week just to relax, play and enjoy the outdoors. I'm in the middle of a spring cold that I hope will go away soon! I had a fun Easter weekend, but I'm pooped! We started off the long weekend with a trip to Nana's house on Thursday. After school got out, she took Zach and I home with her until Saturday. We had so much fun at the park, playing outside and doing lots of things that are exclusive to Nana's house. Mom and Dad enjoyed the time alone by going hiking and going out to eat at lots of places that are not kid-friendly! On Saturday, they picked us up and went to see Grandma D at the hospital. She had BOTH of her knees fixed and she's doing ok, but she's probably going to have to go stay somewhere for a week or so to help her get better. We got home late Saturday evening and quickly colored Easter Eggs and went to bed.

Easter Sunday was nice and relaxing. We found our eggs and baskets. I made the comment that since the Easter Bunny didn't give us many toys, it was a good thing that Nana gave us plenty of stuff. Geesh, the Easter Bunny is getting Santa-like pressure nowdays. Mom made a big lunch just for the 4 of us. We all took a long Sunday nap and then played outside, all in between copious amounts of candy eating, of course. Today we're off to the zoo, then storytime later this week, some letterboxing and then we'll probably go visit Grandma again sometime. Mom has lots of yard work to do and needs to find someone to get the garden ready.

Hope you had a Hoppy Easter and are having fun!

Zach took egg finding very seriously

our baskets

at a friend's pottery-painting party last week


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