Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Friday, January 29, 2010

A Bit of Then and Now...

Today was the last day of Spirit Week at our school. The dress up day today, was school colors. How sad that my Mom had no idea what the elementary/middle school colors were! Turns out they are royal blue and white. The first color being one that I have absolutely nothing of in my extensive wardrobe. So Mom dug out my old Italy Soccer dress. I could barely fit my big melon through the top. It makes a cute swing top, don't you think? Look how much I've grown, but amazingly, still just as cute.

Zach got a Spidey costume yesterday from a friend. He was scared to try it on, so I modeled it for him first and then he wore it. He spent the afternoon jumping off furniture and shooting us with his webs. He's something else alright. We both have a touch of a cold, but nothing compared to everyone else. Over half the playgroup had to cancel yesterday due to high fevers and bronchitis. So we're happy with just a sniffle.

Hard, so very hard to believe El Bud Bud will be 3 tomorrow. He keeps telling everyone he will be 6. He knows that Monday will be the big day to start wearing underwear, hopefully it goes well.

We're super-stoked for the party tomorrow. Mom just bought a GIANT slab of brisket and is going to cook it for 24 hours to hopefully make some killer sandwiches. The cake is ready to be picked up and with all the decorations, you'd think Thomas the Train came and threw up in our house. Should be fun!



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