Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Saturday, March 20, 2010

The Art Club Overnighter

Boy, were we lucky little ducks this weekend. Tara and Cody came to visit Friday night. They are going hiking today nearby, so they were nice enough to come spend the night and hang with us kids. Mom and Dad jumped at the opportunity of having a night out and made the most of it. Tara brought along supplies and we made the coolest project. It is based on Picasso's painting called "The Bouquet". Later, Mom and I looked up some interesting information on Picasso. We were very proud to show Mom and Dad our creations. They played with us so much, we were so sad to see them go this morning. Although we're glad we're not the ones hiking in this cold, sleety weather!

Zach went to his first storytime at the library this past week. He was a little nervous at first. He sat on Mom's lap and wouldn't talk to anyone. But then he did the craft and had fun. He warmed up enough that he sat by himself for the second half and even participated in some of the story. It seems like just yesterday Mom was taking me there and I was busy showing him MY crafts when I was done. Mom used to have to chase him up and down the aisles of books and take him outside when he cried while I listened to the stories. My how time flies.

I received my 3rd quarter report card yesterday. I did very well -- I had 12 "E"s which stand for exceeding expectations....that's 4 more than last quarter. The only thing I got marked for needing work on was proper capitalization. I over do it a bit and need to practice. But good comments all around. I sure love school!

We are hunkering down and laying low all weekend. Today we'll just watch some movies and play some games. Tomorrow Mom may take me to see Alice in Wonderland, but I'm not sure yet...seems a little scary.

Well happy first snowy day of Spring! Blech! At least we were able to log hours and hours of playtime outside this week before the cold hit.

Later taters

Zach showing me his crafts from the library


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