Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Thursday, March 25, 2010


That's what Zach yells every time he sees our seedlings. We started these little guys last Wednesday and we're amazed how well they are all growing only a week later! A few of them are going to need to be transplanted soon and we're not to sure about how to go about that. We're starting pole beans, peppers, zucchini, broccoli, tomatoes, basil and cilantro this year. Hopefully, they will all hang on long enough to make it in our imaginary garden. The garden that has yet to be tilled up yet! Our old garden will be home to some rose bushes. We also purchased a blueberry bush which we think we'll grow in a container outside rather than in the yard.

My week has been pretty great! Math tests are going really well, I had fun at piano and have been doing lots of art. Nothing too out of the ordinary, but that's ok with me. Oh yes and Zach will be getting a haircut tomorrow. We're going to try one of those corny, over-priced places where the kids get to sit in cars or tractors and watch DVDs while they get trimmed. I tell ya'...back when I was a kid...well, you know. I had French people hacking up my hair and ripping off my Mom. Enough said.



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